Glenelg Hopkins CMA
As Community Engagement and Marketing Manager Lyall provided strategic advice to the Chief Executive, developed strategies for proactive community engagement, implemented a major marketing strategy, had a critical role in issues management and project managed the redeveloped of the website.
Victorian Farmers Federation
Lyall was the Director of Communications for five years. He used his experience in the media and public relations to raise the profile of the organisation and improve communications with farmers across the state
Dairy Australia
As the Senior Communications Adviser, Lyall helped Dairy Australia deliver the services needed by the Australian dairy industry for its ongoing and future development as a competitive, innovative and sustainable dairy industry. He also worked with GOTAFE on the establishment of the National Centre for Dairy Education – Australia (NCDEA).
Rural Press Group
Lyall Grey was with the Rural Press Group for 10 years. He wrote for Stock and Land, Farm Magazine and Australian Dairyfarmer. He was also the Managing Editor for the national magazines Hoofs and Horns and Australian Hobbyfarmer.
Mount Isa Mines
As Public Relations Manager during the industrial dispute in the early 1990s Lyall had the opportunity to hone his skills in community engagement, crisis management, media liaison and communications.
Channel 10 Regional
As Station Manager Lyall was responsible for the management of advertising sales, news and commercial production, staff supervision and community liaison
Australian Institute and Management
Chair for North West Queensland
Industry Experience
* Agriculture – livestock, dairy, grain, horticulture
* Resources
* Media – print and electronic
* Not for profit
* Environmental management
* Government
Department of Primary Industries
Media and communications consultant – media releases, speeches, publications editing and brochure design
Glenelg Hopkins CMA
Ongoing development of the website
HamiltonVictoria Pty Ltd
Website design and implementation
Project management of Hamilton’s official Visitors’ Day Trip and Service Information Guide, Website development
Fire Ready Victoria Community Safety Presenter